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Asset proof
Main address
USDT: 3214
Alternative address 1
USDT: 50010211
Alternative address 2
USDT: 27340
Alternative address 3
USDT: 37777
Alternative address 4
USDT: 26938
Alternative address 5
USDT: 92524
Game Room:
Open and transparent
We uphold everyone s right to fair treatment.
Withdrawals credited instantly, fully automated 24/7.
Block hashes are generated randomly on a decentralized blockchain network, allowing anyone, anytime, to query on the blockchain.
Achieving true data immutability, our platform ensures transparency with all records being traceable and verifiable, beyond the control of the platform.
High winning rate
We aim for a simple process and rapid payouts
with no specific gameplay, strategies, or device restrictions. Play at your convenience anytime, anywhere.
Withdrawals are automatically processed within 3 seconds upon winning, ensuring uninterrupted gaming for an exhilarating and seamless experience.
Exclusive customer service
24/7 professional service, promptly addressing your concerns.
One-on-one personalized guidance with efficient responses.
1 What is block hash?
A block hash is the DNA of a piece of data, and each block hash is unique, random, and unbreakable.
2 What is blockchain?
Blockchain is essentially a shared database in which data or information is stored. It has the characteristics of non-forgery, full traces, traceability, transparency, and collective maintenance.
3 What is TRC20?
TRC20-USDT is a stablecoin jointly issued by the TRON blockchain and Tether, a collaboration that brings significant improvements in both transaction fees and confirmation speed compared to traditional stablecoins such as Omni-USDT and ERC20-USDT.

In terms of fees, TRC20-USDT facilitates low-cost transfers. Withdrawal fees from major exchanges indicate that Omni-based USDT withdrawals incur the highest fees, ranging from $4 to $10. ERC-20 fees range from $1 to $5. In contrast, TRC20-USDT boasts a withdrawal fee of $0.8, allowing users to benefit from the low-cost withdrawal services offered by exchanges.

Regarding transaction confirmation speed, USDT issued on the TRON blockchain leverages the performance advantages of a third-generation public blockchain. The TRON network achieves TPS levels in the thousands, enabling transactions to be confirmed within seconds. This is a significant improvement over Omni (which may take minutes to several days for transaction confirmation) and ERC20 (which typically takes minutes to hours). The exceptionally fast transaction speed caters to the diverse needs of stablecoin users, mitigating the risk of damage to investors interests caused by network congestion.
4 Centralized wallet? Decentralized wallet? Why can t the centralized wallet query the transfer?
Compared with centralized wallets (exchange platform) whose private keys are in the hands of third-party service providers, the private keys of the decentralized wallets are kept by users themselves, assets are stored in the blockchain, and users are the real holders of the crypto currency. However, wallets are only a tool to help users manage assets on the chain and read blockchain data, so it is impossible to control, steal, or transfer your assets.
5 Why did I keep winning or keep losing the games?
Simultaneous random events adhere to the law of large numbers (under unchanged conditions, repeating experiments multiple times, the frequency of random events approximates their probabilities as defined by the law of large numbers). As the frequency of draws continues to increase, the probabilities of winning and not winning will tend towards stable values. Therefore, please continue to observe, as the total probability of winning will increase with the increasing frequency of draws.
6 Why was my payout delayed?
In order to ensure the security of funds, the blockchain technology will perform multiple calculations, comparisons, and confirmations. Although it has slow down the calculation speed, but it is better for the safety of the fund.
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